Entertainment August 17, 2010

The Expendables open fire on weekend movie goers

The latest movie from the Rocky and Rambo star Sylvester Stallone hits big over the weekend taking in an estimated $35 million dollars beating its competitors  to a pulp.

Critics pretty much panned the movie for its violence, lack of acting, and scripting.  But, the fans have the last word walking away satisfied with what they paid to see.

The action was non-stop from the opening scene to the last frame of the picture.  A lot of us (me included) came to see his or her favorite movie action hero in an all out battle hoping that their guy would make it to the end of the movie.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis had brief cameo rolls in the movie, but it didn’t amount to more than just a few minutes of idle talk.  (You’ll get a laugh out of the one liner Stallone says to Willis about Schwarzenegger)

The movie did have a plot, and the rolls were played well by the actors (some better than others) but you’ll have to be the judge of that.

The basic premises of the movie is; third world country run by corrupt government/police/military controlled by greedy American who’s out for money, and finds a way of doing it by selling drugs.  (Sound familiar?) Well, it’s a familiar story with a familiar ending- but, you can’t help but get a thrill out of watching all these actors from the same film genre in one movie!

For the lady’s (uh, maybe more for the guys) the very attractive actress Giselle Itie’ who plays Sandra, the daughter of the corrupt General Garza, played by actor David Zayas is the sole reason for Stallone’s character Barney Ross comes back to take on the corruptness of the militants.

I want to tell you so much more, but I don’t want to spoil such a simple movie by giving away the good stuff, so you’ll have to go out and buy a ticket and see the movie for yourselves.

Don’t expect an Oscar winning performance from any of the actors; but, Mickey Rourke delivers his lines with great emotion making his character very believable.  (Maybe he wasn’t acting?)

I have a feeling that this movie has the chance to maintain its hold for the top box office sale for several weeks to come.

A quick check shows me that this is the highest weekend box office sales for any of Stallone’s movies.

The Expendables Movie Cast and Crew